Gluten Free Recipes
Vanilla Poached Pears - Be Bold with Coffee
Smoked Garlic Soup with Rocket (Arugula)
Potato Gratin Savoyard (Without Cream)
French 75 Cocktail - the Real Classic from Paris
John Dory Fish - Easy Pan-Fried Recipe
Roquefort Salad with Pear, Apple and Walnuts
Gluten Free Brownies
Pistachio Ice Cream (with or without Wasabi)
Classic Niçoise Salad - With the Real Ingredients
Baked Peaches (with Amaretti)
Salted Caramel Macarons
Beurre Blanc Sauce - With or Without Smoked Tea
Rhubarb Sorbet (Sorbet à la rhubarbe)
Oven-Roasted Asparagus (Asperges rôties)
Creamy Lemon Ice Cream (Glace au citron)
Gratin Dauphinois (Creamy Potato Gratin)
French Pea Soup (Potage Saint-Germain)
Apple Compote (Compote de Pommes)
Thin Buckwheat Pancakes (Galettes de sarrasin)
Roasted Pineapple with Sticky Vanilla
Béarnaise Sauce (Sauce Béarnaise)
Healthy Flapjacks (Barres de céréales)
White Chocolate Panna Cotta with Rose
Leek and Potato Soup (potage Bonne Femme)
Apple Horseradish Sauce: Perfect for Smoked Salmon
Christmas Granola (Granola de Noël)
Chocolate Beetroot Cake (Fondant Chocolat-Betterave)
Kir Royal (French Cocktail)
Milk Chocolate Crème Brûlée with Passionfruit
Cheese Waffles - Easy, Crispy and Cheesy
Coconut Macaroons (Rochers Coco)
Watercress Soup (Soupe au Cresson)
Pure Vegetable Soup (Soupe de légumes)
Stuffed Mini Pumpkins (Jack Be Little Farcies)
Corsican Ricotta Cheesecake (Fiadone)
Macaron Tiramisu (gluten free)
Corsican Fig Jam (Confiture de Figues)
Raspberry Macarons with White Chocolate Ganache and Rose
Roasted Summer Vegetables (Tian de Légumes)
Baked Apricots (Abricots Rôtis)