A guide to French watercress (cresson). How to eat it without it being too bitter, its health benefits, how it's harvested and easy recipes.
Seasons in France
Autumn, Winter and Spring (September - May). The best watercress harvest is, however, in December.
Watercress Varieties
There are 2 varieties in France:
- le cresson d'alénois eaten when young, and
- le cresson de fontaine - bigger leaves and more spicy/peppery.
However, it should not be confused with the garden ornamental nasturtium (genus Tropaeolum) which is not related to watercress.
What is Watercress? Where Found in France
It's a semi-aquatic plant (Nasturtium officinale) from the mustard family. Watercress thrives in cool flowing streams, where it grows submerged, floating on the water, or spread over mud surfaces.
Mainly grown in Northern France since the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to Napoleon. Although grown in Normandy, it's mainly found in Essonne, Île-de France region, where the town of Méréville makes up 30% of production.
To obtain cresson directly, see this list of Essonne's local producers.
La Fête du Cresson Festivals
The watercress harvest of their 'Green Gold' (l'Or vert) is even celebrated with une Fête du Cresson in March, directly at the watercress beds ('cressonières').
- Cresson de Méréville, considered the French capital of watercress for 300 years.
- Veules les Roses, Normandy
To celebrate, 'Cressiculteurs' and local fans make vats of soup, explain the harvest plus local restaurants have special dishes using it - including a savoury crème brûlée!
Health Benefits
According to Aprifel for the French Ministry of Agriculture, watercress is high in vitamin C (70% daily value) and K. It also contains Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and a trace of iron. It's also a good antioxidant.
According to the Watercress Company, it can help reduce the visible signs of skin ageing as it can also increase collagen production.
How to Choose and Store
When choosing watercress, ensure leaves are dark green and consume quickly within 2 days. Store in the fridge. Wash leaves in water with a few drops of vinegar.
Fun fact: Edith Cresson was French Minister of Agriculture (1981-83) and grew to French Première Ministre (1991-92).
Can You Eat It Raw?
Watercress can indeed be eaten raw. It's the best way to benefit from their healthy properties once washed well.
When eaten raw, it tastes slightly bitter and very peppery like mustard. When cooked, the bitterness disappears - it even has some slightly cheesy flavours which I urge you to seek out.
Watercress Recipes and Food Pairings
In France, le cresson is enjoyed eaten raw in salads - either as a side salad or with cheese before dessert. Most of all, when cooked, it's blitzed into soups as its vibrant deep greens make this extra healthy.
The most famous French recipe is the classic, soupe au cresson or watercress soup. This freezes well too.
Replace lamb's lettuce in this Roquefort, Pear and Apple Salad - as it's particularly paired well with blue cheese and walnuts, this is a fabulous combination.
Likewise, the peppery taste is delicious alongside something more sweet, like these French Onion Tarte Tatins.
Serve watercress with smoked fish like salmon in this Corsican Charcuterie Plate with a side salad of beetroot and apple, which pair well too.
Add watercress leaves to make a simple green salad - so versatile, it goes with just about any dish.