Recipes three egg yolks
What to do with 3 leftover egg yolks. Avoid wasting them and make these healthy three egg yolk recipes.
Use the yolks first and store the whites covered in the fridge (or freeze) to make egg white recipes. For more, see all egg yolk recipes.
Honey Biscuits with Lemon
Creamy Orange Curd - A Perfect Crêpe Filling Recipe
Béarnaise Sauce (Sauce Béarnaise)
Creamy Lemon Pasta Sauce
Berry Gratin - A Light Crème Brûlée
French Crème Caramel (flan aux oeufs au caramel)
French's Favourite Veal Stew (Blanquette de Veau Recipe)
No Bake Chocolate Puddings (crème au chocolat)
Caramelised Pineapple Rice Pudding (Riz Condé)
Crème Anglaise with Chai Tea (Thin French Custard)
Passion Fruit and Raspberry Macaron Filling