Seasonal fruit at a typical French market with details of varieties and how to prepare them. Includes serving ideas, French recipes, fun facts - even slang French expressions using them! More market vegetables.
Peaches and Nectarines (Pêches)
Raspberries (Framboises)
Tomatoes (tomates)
Pineapples (Ananas)
Clementine Oranges
Chestnuts (Chataîgnes)
Walnuts (Noix)
Lemons & Limes (Citrons/Citrons vert)
Pears (Poires)
Apples (Pommes)
Plums (Prunes)
Cherries (Cerises)
Blueberries (Myrtilles)
Apricots (Abricots)
Strawberries (Fraises)
Rhubarb (Rhubarbe)
Figs (Figues)