A guide to fresh blueberries in France. Discover if their white bloom is natural, plus easy and healthy French blueberry recipes.
Blueberry Season in France
Summer: from June to September. In France about 1000 tons are harvested a year. Most are grown in the Rhônes-Alpes, the South-West and in the Loire Valley.
Blueberry Names and Types
Known as Myrtille (pronounced: 'mur-teeye') in French, its latin name is Vaccinum myrtillus, part of the Ericacées family.
There are 2 main types: small wild blueberries found in the Vosges mountains, and the bigger cultivated blueberries.
Did you know they were brought to France from North America as late as the 1980s?
Health Facts of Blueberries
According to the French Ministry of Agriculture (Aprifel), Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, K, manganese, fibre and are good antioxidants.
By eating them regularly, blueberries have two main benefits: they help trouble with vision and memory (in that case, the main problem is to remember to buy them!)
What is the White Coating on Blueberries?
Notice that white coating or bloom on blueberries? For a long time, I thought that bloom meant they were treated with chemicals or coated in wax. The good news is that it's the opposite!
It's also a good sign that blueberries are fresh and haven't been handled much as the bloom disappears over a few days. However, do wash blueberries before eating.
The white coating or bloom is perfectly safe and a totally natural coating that protects the fruit from bacteria or insects.
How Best to Store Them
Unlike other berries like strawberries or raspberries, blueberries are less fragile.
They're usually sold at our French markets in little punnets (barquettes) of about 125g/4.5oz which helps keep them fresh. They store well in the fridge for up to a week.
Recipes with Blueberries
The following recipes include blueberries as the main ingredient.
Alas, we find that many French cultivated blueberries lack flavour so in recipes where cooking them, there are a few tricks to bring out their taste. Add vanilla, almond, lemon - even lemon coriander seeds (see blueberry bavarois recipe). I also love these lemon blueberry cookies.
Blueberry and Lemon Clafoutis - its a delicious twist to the French classic, normally made with cherries. Sprinkle with poppy seeds, another good combination with lemon.
Blueberry Bavarois with Lemon and Coriander - this Bavarois is a French version of an Italian panna cotta but has less cream and more on the citrus to bring out the flavours of the blueberry. What's more, coriander seeds bring out lemon's flavour so this combination is subtle but so elegant.
Add blueberries to this Berry Crème Brûlée. It's so light and, unlike a classic crème brûlée, it's an express version that's made in 30 minutes!
Blueberries are great for adding the healthy topping to red, white and blue desserts. Try this Berry Sherry Trifle made with macarons (and gluten free).
Create your patriotic look for 4 July in the USA, 14th July in France or any time for the Union Jack effect in Britain.
Add Blueberries to the Following Recipes
Eaten fresh, scatter blueberries on top of breakfasts like French pancakes or crêpes Here are just some recipe ideas for you to scatter them for a healthy boost to your meals. As they're slightly acidic, they're also great on summer salads.
Blueberries are perfect served fresh on top of this healthy maple granola with no added sugar. It's a great way to boost your day.
For dessert, they're great on caramel or custard puddings such as crème caramel. Scatter fresh blueberries on this French semolina cake (gâteau de semoule) and serve with crème anglaise.
Again, delicious with lemon, top as decor on a tarte au citron.